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Waterfall Rules to Spice Up Parties

Waterfall Rules to Spice Up Parties

Waterfall Rules

Ring of Fire

The “Ring of Fire” is a timeless drinking game every university student should know.

Game Rules

1. Begin by preparing a flat surface. Place a cup in the center of the table and arrange a deck of cards in a circle around the cup. 

2. Gather your friends around the table, each with their drink. 

3. Before initiating the game, ensure you understand the meaning of each card.

    • A: Everyone starts drinking when the card is drawn. The person who picked the card stops first, followed by others in a continuous “waterfall” fashion. The duration is unpredictable!

    • 2: Select someone else to take a drink.

    • 3: You are required to drink.

    • 4: All female participants take a drink.

    • 5: Place your thumb on the table; everyone must follow suit. The last person to do so drinks. You remain the Thumb Master until another player draws a five.

    • 6: All male players drink.

    • 7: Point upwards. The last person to follow your gesture drinks.

    • 8: Designate a drinking partner who must drink whenever you do.

    • 9: Choose a word, such as “dog.” The next player must provide a rhyming word, like “log.” This continues around the circle until someone fails to come up with a rhyme, and that person must take a drink.

    • 10: Choose a category, like “types of beer.” Players take turns naming something that fits the category, such as “Budweiser,” “Kronenbourg,” or “Carlsberg.” The game circles back until someone fails to provide a valid answer, and that person must drink.

    • Jack: Create a new rule for everyone to follow, like “only drink with your right hand.” All players, including yourself, must adhere to this rule for the rest of the game. Anyone who breaks the rule must drink.

    • Queen: The player who draws this card becomes the Question Master and can ask questions to others. If someone answers, they must drink.

    • King: Add a bit of your drink to the central cup. The player who draws the final King drinks the entire cup, which could be a mix of various beverages. The taste is anyone’s guess!

    4. With the rules in hand, the game begins. The first player draws a card and follows its instructions. Continue taking turns and drawing cards until the last King is revealed. 

      Keep in mind that variations of the rules can exist—here’s an alternative version to consider…

      Consider substituting one of the existing rules with a ‘Gecko’ call. When ‘Gecko’ is called out, everyone must quickly press their body against a flat surface. The last person to do so will be required to drink.

      High Low

      It is an engaging game that delivers a solid buzz.

      Game Rules

      The game begins with the first player receiving a face-up card. They must predict whether the next card will be higher or lower.

      If their guess is correct, they continue guessing the next card. If they need to be corrected, they must take a drink.

      After guessing at least three cards, the player can keep going or pass their turn. If they pass, the next player picks up where the previous one left off.

      If a player makes an incorrect guess, they have to drink for each card shown.

      For instance, an incorrect guess on the first card means one drink, while a mistake on the fifth card means five drinks. The goal is to accumulate as many cards as possible before passing them.

      Create a unique version of the text that preserves the core information without directly copying the original.

      Use college-grade English and short sentences. Aim for a different structure and wording. Rephrase with a lesser degree of overlap. 


      A great little concentration game. You will need a good sized table and at least one deck of cards, depending on the number of players and the pyramid size you wish to create.

      Before beginning, create a pyramid of cards by laying them face down on the table in descending rows of one, two, and so on, with the final row of five cards.

      If you wish to make a larger pyramid, you must allow enough cards to remain so that four cards can be dealt to players.

      Game Rules

      Deal four cards to every player. Players should keep their cards private and avoid showing them to others.

      If other players glimpse your hand, you could be in for a challenging game. The goal is to make other players drink by guessing the cards you hold.

      Start by turning over the top card of the pyramid. A player may then instruct another player to drink based on the card’s value (not suit), regardless of whether that card is in the second player’s hand.

      The person targeted to drink can either drink as instructed or request to see the card in the requesting player’s hand.

      If the requesting player has the card, they must reveal it, and the targeted player will drink twice or double the amount specified by the card’s row.

      If the player does not have the card, they must drink double the amount initially requested.

      Once all players have completed their drinks, reveal the next card to the right in the pyramid. If this card is the final one in its row, proceed to the far-left card.

      The number of drinks a player must take when assigned a drink is determined by the cards in each row.

      For example, the player drinks three times if a card is from the third row.

      As the game moves, the drinking amount increases by one for each lower row.

      Players must remember which cards are flipped and which are revealed by others; this is crucial for success.

      The game concludes once the final card in the last row is revealed.

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