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Do A Barrel Roll 20 Times

Everyone who has used the internet has likely used Google and its many services. Initially, Google was just a search engine where people looked up information they needed from the internet. 

Starting with simple searches, Google now offers a wide variety of services and has even developed ways to entertain its users. Now, Google includes games like Google Guitar, Google Snake, and Pac-man in its search features for user entertainment.

If users have some free time or want to play a game, they can do so directly on Google. Google has also added special tricks to its search engine known as Easter Eggs. 

One such trick is “Do a Barrel Roll,” where the search results page rotates, making the user’s screen spin while showing the results.

The phrase “Do a Barrel Roll” was first used in the Nintendo 64 game Star Fox. In this game, players can perform a barrel roll by pressing the L or R buttons twice. Peppy Hare, a character from Star Fox, instructs players to “Do a Barrel Roll” with this phrase displayed on the screen.

Do A Barrel Roll 20 Times

Related: How To Do A Barrel Roll 3 Times

How to Perform a Barrel Roll on Google?

You can also search for “tilt” or “do a Barrel roll” or “Z or R twice” on Google. This spins the entire page 360 degrees while showing the search results. It usually takes about 5 seconds for the page to spin. This is similar to when a rider does a Tilt Jump on a motorcycle. 

Searching for “Do a Barrel Roll” has the same effect on the page. The trick has no other purpose. It works on any device—desktop, laptop, or mobile—and any browser like Safari, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Firefox. Just go to the Google search page and try it. Do a barrel roll 20 times.

To see the Barrel Roll trick, enter “do a barrel roll” in Google’s search bar. The search results page will spin 360 degrees twice.

This trick can be repeated multiple times on various sites. You can try it two, three, five, 5.5, ten, fifteen, twenty, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, fifty thousand, one million, or even one hundred quintillion times.

When Google launched this feature, the phrase “Do a barrel roll” quickly became a popular search term. It gained global attention and trended on Twitter. Although it’s no longer trending, millions still enjoy this playful feature.

This trick only works if you type “do a barrel roll” into Google. What if you need to search for something else? You’re right to think it won’t work. Any other search will show results normally, without the spinning effect.

You should know this trick has a limitation: it only responds to one specific phrase. If you want to search differently but still enjoy the spinning effect, try using Doabarrelroll.info. This site lets you customize even the search engine logo. No matter what you search there, the results will spin.

Do A Barrel Roll 20 Times

On this website, you can do a barrel roll trick to spin the result page much faster than on Google. It spins the page in just 1 second, which is 80% quicker than Google. At Doabarrelroll.info, the result page spins once per search, but you can spin it multiple times. 

Read More: Do A Barrel Roll 5.6 Times

You can do this barrel roll trick two, three, five, fifty, 5.5, ten, fifteen, five hundred, twenty, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, five thousand, fifty thousand, one million, or even 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times.

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