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Dragon Warrior

Dragon Warrior is the first famous console RPG. You assume the role of a descendant of Erdrick, a brave warrior of the past. Once upon a time, Erdrick defeated the Dragonlord with the help of the Ball of Light. Now, Dragonlord stole the Ball of Light, and your mission is to recover it and to restore peace in the world. In Dragon Warrior, you move your character around in a top-down world, and fight enemies from 1st person perspective. Combat is turn based: you select menu options while fighting. When your character dies in a battle, he is automatically restored in a nearby town.

Первая часть знаменитого сериала РПГ игр от Enix. Все в общем стандартно для ролевок на приставке - вид сверху и прочие атрибуты ролевки. Нарисовано только неказисто, но простительно для своего возраста.

How to Play

  • Start the game in the throne room of Tantegel Castle, where King Lorik will commission you on your quest.
  • Open the three chests in the throne room using the ‘Take’ command. You’ll find 120 gold, a Torch, and a Magic Key.
  • Use the ‘Door’ command to open the door with the Magic Key and head down the stairs to the main floor of the castle.
  • Talk to the other people in the castle to learn more about your quest and then leave.
  • Enter Brecconary to the east. Use the 120 gold you have to buy some equipment.
  • Battle the Slimes and Red Slimes in the forest and mountains north of Tantegel and Brecconary to gain experience points and gold to purchase better equipment.
  • As you get stronger, you’ll be able to fight more difficult enemies to receive more experience points and gold.
  • Defeat the Dragonlord to find the Ball of Light, which will eliminate all the monsters in the world.
  • Return to Tantegel Castle where you will find King Lorik waiting for you.

Tips to Win

  • Always stock up on Herbs before crossing the bridge and fighting in the southern area of the island.
  • Remember to cast Sleep against stronger enemies.
  • Use the Silver Harp to rapidly fight monsters for gold and experience before handing it over.
  • Equip the Flame Sword and Silver Shield to face even the monsters you may have been running from.
  • At level 17, learn the game-changing spell: Healmore. It can recover more than most monsters are able to damage.
  • Use the Fairy Flute to subdue the Golem at the gates of Cantlin.
  • Buy the Magic Armor if you haven’t already – it has the same defense as the Full Plate but it will slowly heal your HP with every step.
  • Use the Healmore spell, you should be able to recover almost all of your HP every time you use it.

PS4 and Xbox One

PS5 and Xbox Series X

PS4 and PS5

Xbox One and Xbox Series X

PC and Console