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World of Alice The Bones

World of Alice – The Bones
World of Alice – The Bones is a game developed for children to teach the bones of the human body and where they are located in a fun way using a cell phone, tablet or computer.
Excellent educational resource.
In World of Alice learning is fun.
Game developed by:

How to Play

Here’s a detailed guide on how to play the game ‘World of Alice – The Bones’:

  1. Start the Game: Open the game from your device. Click on the start button to begin the game.
  2. Understand the Interface: Familiarize yourself with the game interface. It will show you the current score, the bones that need to be found, and the time remaining.
  3. Playing the Game: The main objective of the game is to find the correct bones in the given time. You can move around the screen to interact with different objects.
  4. Using the Skills: There are certain skills available in the game that can help you in finding the bones faster. These skills can be activated by clicking on the skill icon.
  5. Scoring System: Each correctly identified bone gives you points. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
  6. End of the Game: Once the time runs out, the game ends. You can check your final score and see if you made it to the leaderboard.

Remember, the goal of the game is to learn about the bones of the human body in a fun and engaging way. So, enjoy the game and have fun!

Tips to Win

Here are some tips to increase your chances of winning the game ‘World of Alice – The Bones’:

  1. Study the Map: Before starting the game, spend some time studying the map. This will give you an idea of where the bones are located.
  2. Use the Skills Wisely: Skills can be very helpful in identifying the bones faster. However, they consume energy. So, use them wisely.
  3. Time Management: Manage your time effectively. Spend less time searching for bones and more time moving around the screen.
  4. Keep Practicing: The more you play, the better you get. Keep practicing and you’ll improve over time.
  5. Enjoy the Game: Last but not least, remember to enjoy the game. It’s meant to be fun!

Good luck and happy gaming!

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